• 7:45am - 1:15pm Mon - Fri
  • 03222-277360
  • Hijli, IIT Kharagpur, 721302, West Bengal

7:45am - 1:15pm Mon - Fri

03222 277 360


Christmas is the most joyous occasion of the year.  It creates and esctatic atmosphere.  Spreading love, joy and happinessm bringing friends and family together.  The open air stage was decorated beautifully swith bells, stars, streamers and a christmas tree.  Childrend flaunted int colourful dresses.  The celebration began at 10;00 a.m. with a prayer invoking God's blessings upon us to celebrate the brith of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Spreading joy and happiness among us.  The nativity of our Lord Jesus was presented through a song which reminded the children of the story of christmas and the reason to celebrate.  Next, the tiny tots of Kg i peformed a beautiful dnace.  The programme continued with a joyful celebration by class V students as they gracefully performed a mind blowing dance.  Sr. Virginia, our Principal as he sang some beautiful carols in her melodious voice.  The essence of christmas came alive when Santa Claus appeared on a motor bike.  the children, all excited danced and waved out to Santa.  The boundless joy of celebrating this festival was ampy visible on the faces of the children.  Next, was the prize distribution ceremony.  Sr. Virginia awarded the children for the performance in the singing competition and sports day.  The children were escorted to their respected classes where they were given cakes and a christmas gift.  Everyone raised theeir voice in prayer and thanked God for the wonderful and joyful day. At 1:00pm the whole school raised their voice in thanksgiving to god and prayed.  Sr. Virginia thanked everyone for their whole hearted participation and making the exhibition a grand success.   After the children went home, the teachers gathered together for a refreshment .  Lunch was served and we all proceeded towards our home with a festive feeling in our heart.

Post Time : 22 Dec